So how do we make your vision board really work for you?

Have you ever had a dream a vision in your mind that has come to fruition?

Perhaps it was a vision of how you would like your home or a place in the world that you would love to visit. The more vivid, the more specific, the more you visited this vision then the more likely and the more quickly it would become your reality. We can completely under estimate the power of our minds and don’t listen to it enough and don’t use it enough to benefit us.

Affirmations and vision boards help us to keep things positive, helps us to keep growing in a healthy way and pretty soon we start to automatically, unconsciously just start to think, feel and do all things positively. The thing that people can forget about is putting in place the actions that need to go alongside your dreams. Do you want to feel more confident or calmer? Thats fantastic and a great vision to have, but think about, what you can do that will help you achieve this vision? Write the steps down but make them small enough so that fear doesn’t stop you taking any action.

So how do vision boards work?

  • Allows us time and space to think of what we truly want in life. Come on admit it, how much time do you actually allow yourself to sit down and think about your life? I’m guessing it’s not much time at all. We tend to get caught up in life and allow life to lead us rather than us sitting down and thinking about how we would like to take back the control.
  • It helps us to identify and priorities from all the noise in our heads. You know what it’s like, the overwhelm the never ending chatter coming from our brains. Taking time to sit down and really hear the chatter helps us to identify what’s important and what we can just let go of. Once you write down what’s important your brain can relax and can see clearly again.
  • They serve as a daily reminder of how you want to feel, think, do and be. Now there is nothing wrong with that is there? in this busy busy world having something so personal and inspiring for us surely is no bad thing. This beautiful daily reminder helps to keep you on track and helps keep your vision top of mind.
  • Your new neural pathways will grow with your vision embedded in their DNA. Those new healthy feelings will soon start to become an unconscious action. The trick is and the big secret to how to make your vision board really work for you is to identify and understand what actions you need to take to really make your dreams come true. Lets be real, you may have a vision to win a million pounds but lets face it if you never buy a lottery ticket then your chances of succeeding are 0%.
  • Be clear and realistic about your actions. Once you understand your vision take time to think about the steps you need to take to achieve your dreams. If you want to retire by 60 then sit down and work out how you are going to do that. Just knowing you have a plan will make you feel more positive about life. Even if its a plan that will take 20 years at least you have a plan. Incorporate those steps into your vision board.
  • Don’t forget to focus on your feelings and not just the materialistic stuff. Visualise yourself in your future looking back on your life. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself looking back through your photo album, see yourself in your photos and notice how you look and feel. Does it give you those warm, happy satisfying feelings that you are hoping for? if yes, fantastic and take time to notice what helps you to feel those feelings. If No, then think about what’s missing and add that into your life plan. Your values can very much come into play here. Ask yourself what’s important to you? What do you need in your life to truly make you feel happy, joyous and content?
  • Finally be mindful, grateful and present for what you have now. I believe its really important to also take time to appreciate what you do have now. Be grateful for the wonderful stuff you have in your life now. Capture that and incorporate that into your vision board too. Doing this helps you to be happy in the present whilst also moving forward to even greater and even more exciting things.

Go on, give it a go. It doesn’t take anywhere near as much time as you think it will do and remember its your vision board. There is no right or wrong way, trust your gut, believe in yourself and prioritise your happiness just as much as you do with everyone else in your life.

Go on, Nurture Your Being,

Daniela x

Daniela is a Life Coach, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist living her life her way and loving guiding other people to happiness and joy. Based in Farnborough, Hampshire, she works both online and face to face. If you have any questions please do contact me or click here to book a free 30 minute discovery call.